
Archive for March, 2008

Greetings and salutations friends! After several stressful weeks dealing with a family emergency I have returned to my physical and digital home. During my time away I was able to put to the test the principles of humor and positive thinking I talk about weekly on my blogs – and to my relief and amazement they responded beautifully!

One of my favorites, my gratitude journal, was by far the most easy to use and helpful on a daily basis. Racking my brain to find those 2-3 things to be grateful for each day took discipline and searching. But finding those blessings and joys in the midst of trouble and tribulation gave me hope and added moments of laughter to otherwise emotionally draining days. It helped to remind me that these problems were only temporary and that I could and would get through them.

I kept my sense of humor alive by reading the daily comics, playing with my dogs, and listening to my favorite music on my MP3 player. It gave balance to the stresses of the day and gave me strength to keep going.

The absence of my familiar surroundings, as well as the loss of my favorite uplifting blog sites left me without a calm, quiet place of retreat. Thankfully repeated practice and reading of positive thinking habits and techniques had sunk in, and using them gave me a way to fight fatigue, frustration and the pain around me.

The simplest things helped relieve tension; when lacking the time or a location to exercise, simple stretches provided relief to stiff and aching muscles. Ordering my favorite take-out pizza or Chinese food for dinner made life delicious and took away the extra work of cooking and cleaning for a night. Every temporary respite from worry, no matter how small made a difference. Whether confiding in a friend, losing myself in a book or movie, my body and mind received much-needed rest.

The best part of the entire process has been the new-found delight and luxury of returning to my own lifestyle and routines. Lounging around the house, eating early or eating late, exercising or napping, being responsible for only myself is a joy.

And to those of you who stopped by my blogs while I was away – welcome. I want to add a big THANK YOU to those of you who left comments during those weeks. Your kind words gave me a much-needed boost and brought a smile to my face.

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