
Archive for February, 2011

~ Liquid Sunshine ~by ViaMoi

I was reading a kindness newsletter from Help.Others.org earlier.  It reminds again of the importance of kindness.  It’s amazing how making someone else feel better makes you feel better too.

There are lots of ways to be kind. You can give a compliment, bake brownies, or offer to help with a task someone else struggles with.  You can do a chore for a friend or give a stranger a gift.  Hand out flowers, share a hug, or simply listen to someone who needs it.

A simple smile and hello go a long, long way. Just today there were some people at work who were sick.  They were tired, withdrawn and quiet because they didn’t feel good.  Just smiling at them and joking around lifted their moods for a while.  It couldn’t make the pain go away, but it helped them forget about it for a moment.

Niceness counts too.  Especially at work, where it is sometimes unexpected. Saying good morning, acknowledging help with a thank you, or giving praise for a good job, all increase positive feelings.  Sharing a smile, good news, and funny stories are all helpful to building good relationships at work.

Niceness is wonderful at home too.  Have you ever known someone who didn’t want to hear how much you love them? A kiss or hug when you walk in the door is welcoming.  Turning off the TV or muting the volume while you listen to your spouse shows them you care about them and how they feel.

Kindness and the power of being nice make the day so much more smoother and happier, it’s a wonder I don’t do it every day. On a really good day I can even make someone I don’t like happy.  On a bad day, helping a friend smile or feel cared for makes me feel needed, which gives me a reason to keep going.

So why don’t I always wear my rose-colored glasses?  I don’t know. Life gets in the way.  I get “busy.”  That terrible 4-letter word that means I stop paying attention to myself and those around me, and miss golden opportunities to make life better. But that’s why I’m sharing.  Today just reading about the kindness of strangers made me feel more optimistic.  Then I listened to a friend and gave out some smiles and compliments.  Soon my mood was much improved.  It was a subtle reminder of the power of kindness.  Niceness adds a bit more beauty and joy into the world.  And we could all use more of that.

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Funny Girl by Lanamaniac

I’m not in the mood to work.  Today is one of those days.  When you just don’t want to do what it is you have to do. I just got back from vacation on Wednesday.  I only worked a ½ day so I could ease myself back into the work frame of mind.  Good thing too – I couldn’t remember passwords, sign-ons and other important info.  And I was only gone for a week!  (Can you tell I had a relaxing vacation?  I’m really good at leaving work at the office.)

My husband got sick though and I got part of his cold.  I have a partial cough that is just tickling my throat enough to bother me when I want to talk.  I started having coughing fits.  So I said “Work makes me sick!”  Ha-ha-ha.  At least it made me laugh.

Then I was walking through the hall and I was clearing my throat and my boss said “Oh  – you caught me!” She was eating chips and salsa at her desk because she had a full-blown case of the munchies.  She thought I was clearing my throat about her bag full of chips and jar of salsa.  I had to tell her that it wasn’t about her eating habits. I’m glad my cold could provide some good entertainment.

Then I got a major case of the giggles.  I blame it on the after-effects of the cold medicine I took. Because I was laughing about emails.  Work emails.  I emailed a coworker for the status of something, and she sent back 5 emails, my 1st issue plus 4 other issues.  For some reason that just hit me funny.  I started talking to myself saying “No wonder I don’t like emailing you.  I just want one quick answer and you give me tons of work to do.”  The really funny part is another co-worker thought I was talking to her and started asked me what I said.  Then I really had to chuckle.

Have you ever laughed when someone else had a coughing fit? Sometimes they try to talk and every time they open their mouth it just causes them to cough and cough.  As soon as they stop, they stop coughing.  I guess since I laughed at my husband having that problem, it’s only fair that it happened to me today.

Who knew being sick could be so fun?  I don’t think I would have enjoyed the humor if I felt worse, but it’s nice to know a cold can make you laugh.  Any time laughter can make life easier to bear, it’s a good day.

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Blurry Vision by EDUYANI


I work on a computer 8 hours a day.  My favorite hobby is reading, and I like to watch TV, and draw as well.  All of these activities involve lots of close-up work which stresses my eyes.


The biggest problem I have lately is blurry vision.  My right eye recently was diagnosed with astigmatism, which basically means I have slightly blurry vision in that eye even with the correct contact lens.


There are lots of exercises you can do to help your eye focus better, improving sharpness and agility of the eyes. For instance, my eyes stay generally fixed straight ahead generally in the middle of my sight line.  Therefore if I move my eyes right, left, up or down, I notice blurry, unfocused areas in my sight.

Flexiblity is one key to better vision. Moving your eyes around during the day will gradually help you see clearer.  Move your eyes to the right without moving your head, you will see a slight blurry area.  Let your eyes adjust to the movement until the area comes in more clearly.  Then move in a new direction.  Repeat several times in each direction – right, left, up and down. Whenever I get a chance I like to cloud watch.  Staring at a blue sky watching white clouds will help you see floaters, blurriness or other vision errors.  Movement helps eye muscles stay in shape.

Eye circles improve your peripheral focus, helping you expand and stretch your field of vison. When you’re ready to start, move your eyes in a slow circle letting each area come into clear focus before moving on.  Imagine a clock face, start at 12 and move to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.  Take a break and look at the middle of the clock to rest your eyes if you feel tired.  Repeat this 3-4 times, than do circles in the opposite direction.


Far/Near focusing also helps visual acuity. By focusing on a far object, say a calendar, then a near object, such a pencil, it will help your eyes quickly and easily adjust to changing conditions and improve your central vision.  Magic Eye 3-D is a great exercise to help your eyes adjust.  You focus on the image within the image.


The key to good eye health is using them properly. If you don’t move your eyes often, they will feel stiff and seem blurry when you do eye exercises.  Closing your eyes for a minute 3-4 times a day will help relieve dryness and sore eyes. Changing focus, reading in good light and resting your eyes are all healthy habits.   Now if only I can remember to take my own advice each day.  Good luck!

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