
Archive for September, 2009

Happy slide

Slide by Pink Sherbet Photography

Don’t overlook a small joy just because you’re expecting something bigger.  Don’t overlook a smile, a compliment, or your favorite song on the radio by being too busy listing your woes. There’s a reason for the saying “count your blessings.”  It’s an important reminder to help us remember that each day has good things in it that help to counter all the other sad, depressing and upsetting things that happen.

So many of us go through our days on autopilot.  We get up, go to work, eat dinner and go to bed to start the day again.  We rarely stop and appreciate all the positive things that occur. Those easily overlooked little things – a helping hand at work, quick checkout lines, or relaxing in the setting sun while twilight pinks and purples fill the sky.

Where did the insidious belief that more is better come from?  Why do people insist on admiring multi-taskers and workaholics?  Do they smile more from all that extra overtime money?   Do they enthusiastically take on new assignments with a positive attitude?  Not most of the overachievers I know.

A little light, a little joy, gives us hope for something better.  Playing with your toddler, cuddling with your cat, smelling flowers blooming or even having a headache disappear can improve your day.  Training ourselves to notice these small wonders can add up over time, making our overall days seem happier and more enjoyable.

Most of simply yearn to worry less and be thankful more. We want more time – time to relax, to read, to play with our kids, or take a walk, to listen to music, or to count the stars.  We want to have fun.  To laugh, to smile, to be stress-free.

Speaking for myself I find that the best way to accomplish this is to begin to notice what is good about my day. Make a gratitude list.  It could be silly things like “both cars are fully operational today, the dog hasn’t been sick, and I found $2.00 in my jeans pocket.”  Small things yes, but if we don’t consciously notice them, they slip from our mind like a good idea not written down.

A positive attitude helps too. Ever notice how many times people bring up stories from the news?  How many of them are happy?  Make it your mission to spread good news.  Tell them about the honor student you know, or how your repair bill was less than you thought.  Share stories of scientific breakthroughs, a local hero or money saving sales in your area.  Practicing this habit can be greatly beneficial.

Be alert to the good things in your day, and you’ll find yourself more relaxed, and a little happier. To my way of thinking, a little happiness is better than none at all.  :0)

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HP Theme Park

Harry Potter theme park sign by Jonathan D. Bloom

Universal Orlando recently released some information about their upcoming new theme park – The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  For Harry Potter fans young and old, this will be a fantasy land like no other, it’s sure to be a hit!  Full of the all the charm and whimsy of the book, this attraction is set to open in Spring 2010.


You will enter through the magnificent gates into the grandeur of Hogsmeade Village.  Once inside you will be shut off from the outside world as you are greeted by the  signature whistle and the sight of the Hogwarts Express.  Many of the favorite shops and pubs from the story are recreated here in all their medieval glory.

There will be eateries featuring food from the books, favorites such as Butterbeer or pumpkin juice at the Three Broomsticks, and sweets like chocolate frogs or Bernie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans at Honeydukes.  Shop at Ollivander’s for your own personal wand, or stop in Dervish and Bangs for Quidditch equipment and Triwizard souvenirs. Try Zonko’s joke shop for a bit of Weasely-inspired zaniness!

Luna with glasses

The Dragon Challenge will be a twin high-speed roller coaster with elements from the story.  The Flight of the Hippogriff is a family coaster simulating a flight over the school grounds.  There is also a recreation of Hogwarts Castle.  Here everyone, whether Gryffindor or Slytherin, will be welcome.  Visit the cozy common rooms, or the great feasting hall.  Every sight and sound will immerse you into the magical world of Harry Potter and his friends.

For a unique vacation you won’t soon forget, try traveling into another world.  For more information, visit the web site at Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and be sure to check out the “First look” video at the site.  I can’t wait!!!

For other great Harry Potter fun, check out the fabulous web site at Muggle Net.com.  Read up on the latest news, view gallery photos, play games and learn about the World of Hogwarts.  See you soon!

P.S.  Stop by my other web site Fun Spirit for a funny look at “How to Deal With Harry Potter Haters.”

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FootballOn Any Given Sunday by John-Morgan

Ready or not ladies, football season is back. Men all over the country sit glued to their television sets for hours at a time, immersed in every toss of the ball.  Completely unaware of the passing of time, news of the day, or any person beyond the vicinity of the living room.

But that’s no reason to despair.  There is plenty of good news for women whose men are mentally, physically or emotionally unavailable. Time is once again your friend.  The day is yours for the taking.  Uninterrupted bliss awaits.  Whether serious or fun, now is the chance for:

  1. Nap Time! This is what you’ve been waiting for.  A moment when there is no hammering, mowing, or other noisy interruptions.  Now you have at least a four-hour stretch of free time.  Take a hot bubble bath, put on some candles and music, then take a leisurely nap.  There’s nothing like ME time.
  2. Less Cooking. Another happy benefit of game day is the fact that you don’t have to do any cooking unless you want to.  Get him some beer or soda, chips and dip and have pizza delivered and you’re done for the day.  Catch up on your reading, watch some movies you’ve been waiting to see or whatever other fun thing you’ve been missing.
  3. Shop Till You Drop. Get your purse, call a friend, and hit the road for an all-day sales bonanza.  While he’s glued to the TV you are free to hit as many stores and shops as your poor little feet can handle.  Totally unfettered by time restrictions or unwanted male opinions.  It’s great to be a woman!
  4. Home Improvement Projects. While men think they are the only ones who know how to correctly paint a wall or hang a picture, we love to do those small touches that make a house a home.  Now is the time to visit Home Depot, Lowes or your other favorite store to find the lighting, curtains, or area rugs you love.  Without all the long lines.
  5. Long Chats. There’s never enough time to stay in touch with everyone you want to.  Take advantage of this disturbance-free time zone to call your mother, sister, or best friend.  Chat away without fear of time limits or sighs of impatience.
  6. Do Some Girlie Things. Color your hair, have a pedicure, get a facial – or better yet a massage!  Watch a movie that makes you cry – without the guilt.  Do some aromatherapy with a great lotion, scented shampoo, candles or air freshener.  Is your favorite scent gardenia, lavender or rose?
  7. Spiritual Awareness. There are times when you long to be alone.  A chance to meditate, pray, or have some quiet time to talk to God.  Whether you go to church or stay home, this is a perfect opportunity for the peace and stillness you seek.
  8. Do Something Silly. Dance and sing while pretending to be your favorite rock star, build an ice cream man with peanuts, M&M’s, and a chocolate smile, or go on cute overload and look at all those emails of playful puppies, kitties and adorable babies until you’re smiling from ear to ear.  Have fun!
  9. Connect With Nature. Take a walk and see how many birds you can spot.  Plant some late-blooming flowers in containers on the porch.  Take your dog to the park or drive to the mountains for some fall color.
  10. Join Him. The best thing about guys and football, is when they want you to share, you only have to be in the same room.  Set up your scrapbook or photo album to organize as you watch.  You don’t have to pay much attention, as long as you cheer when the touchdown or field goal is scored (for the right team of course).  You don’t both have to do the same thing to enjoy your time together.  :0)

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