
Archive for September 30th, 2009

Happy slide

Slide by Pink Sherbet Photography

Don’t overlook a small joy just because you’re expecting something bigger.  Don’t overlook a smile, a compliment, or your favorite song on the radio by being too busy listing your woes. There’s a reason for the saying “count your blessings.”  It’s an important reminder to help us remember that each day has good things in it that help to counter all the other sad, depressing and upsetting things that happen.

So many of us go through our days on autopilot.  We get up, go to work, eat dinner and go to bed to start the day again.  We rarely stop and appreciate all the positive things that occur. Those easily overlooked little things – a helping hand at work, quick checkout lines, or relaxing in the setting sun while twilight pinks and purples fill the sky.

Where did the insidious belief that more is better come from?  Why do people insist on admiring multi-taskers and workaholics?  Do they smile more from all that extra overtime money?   Do they enthusiastically take on new assignments with a positive attitude?  Not most of the overachievers I know.

A little light, a little joy, gives us hope for something better.  Playing with your toddler, cuddling with your cat, smelling flowers blooming or even having a headache disappear can improve your day.  Training ourselves to notice these small wonders can add up over time, making our overall days seem happier and more enjoyable.

Most of simply yearn to worry less and be thankful more. We want more time – time to relax, to read, to play with our kids, or take a walk, to listen to music, or to count the stars.  We want to have fun.  To laugh, to smile, to be stress-free.

Speaking for myself I find that the best way to accomplish this is to begin to notice what is good about my day. Make a gratitude list.  It could be silly things like “both cars are fully operational today, the dog hasn’t been sick, and I found $2.00 in my jeans pocket.”  Small things yes, but if we don’t consciously notice them, they slip from our mind like a good idea not written down.

A positive attitude helps too. Ever notice how many times people bring up stories from the news?  How many of them are happy?  Make it your mission to spread good news.  Tell them about the honor student you know, or how your repair bill was less than you thought.  Share stories of scientific breakthroughs, a local hero or money saving sales in your area.  Practicing this habit can be greatly beneficial.

Be alert to the good things in your day, and you’ll find yourself more relaxed, and a little happier. To my way of thinking, a little happiness is better than none at all.  :0)

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