
Posts Tagged ‘colds’

Funny Girl by Lanamaniac

I’m not in the mood to work.  Today is one of those days.  When you just don’t want to do what it is you have to do. I just got back from vacation on Wednesday.  I only worked a ½ day so I could ease myself back into the work frame of mind.  Good thing too – I couldn’t remember passwords, sign-ons and other important info.  And I was only gone for a week!  (Can you tell I had a relaxing vacation?  I’m really good at leaving work at the office.)

My husband got sick though and I got part of his cold.  I have a partial cough that is just tickling my throat enough to bother me when I want to talk.  I started having coughing fits.  So I said “Work makes me sick!”  Ha-ha-ha.  At least it made me laugh.

Then I was walking through the hall and I was clearing my throat and my boss said “Oh  – you caught me!” She was eating chips and salsa at her desk because she had a full-blown case of the munchies.  She thought I was clearing my throat about her bag full of chips and jar of salsa.  I had to tell her that it wasn’t about her eating habits. I’m glad my cold could provide some good entertainment.

Then I got a major case of the giggles.  I blame it on the after-effects of the cold medicine I took. Because I was laughing about emails.  Work emails.  I emailed a coworker for the status of something, and she sent back 5 emails, my 1st issue plus 4 other issues.  For some reason that just hit me funny.  I started talking to myself saying “No wonder I don’t like emailing you.  I just want one quick answer and you give me tons of work to do.”  The really funny part is another co-worker thought I was talking to her and started asked me what I said.  Then I really had to chuckle.

Have you ever laughed when someone else had a coughing fit? Sometimes they try to talk and every time they open their mouth it just causes them to cough and cough.  As soon as they stop, they stop coughing.  I guess since I laughed at my husband having that problem, it’s only fair that it happened to me today.

Who knew being sick could be so fun?  I don’t think I would have enjoyed the humor if I felt worse, but it’s nice to know a cold can make you laugh.  Any time laughter can make life easier to bear, it’s a good day.

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