
Archive for October 2nd, 2007

DIY planner – Franklin Covey Compact Size Uploaded on September 18, 2007
by ShutterCat7


One of the biggest mistakes I make every week is not taking time to plan my days and organize myself. Once I have the plan I can diverge when the mood strikes, but I have more flexibility to do more of the things I enjoy and spend less time in traffic and long lines.

By planning ahead on such things as lunch and dinner for the week, making a list of chores that need to be done or birthday cards I need to buy, I am able to utilize my day more effectively and get more accomplished. And by getting more accomplished, I don’t mean just doing more, I mean planning for quiet, meditative time, for reading or some other “do-nothing” activity I have to miss if I’m running around for a last-minute birthday gift.

Here’s a short list of things that I find help me get more from my day:

  1. Make your lunch the day before, and choose an outfit before going to bed.
  2. Keep a running list on the fridge for things you’ll be out of this week.
  3. Buy household items on the way to work in the morning. It’s quicker because it’s so early in the day and you won’t forget since your mind isn’t on work yet.
  4. Before turning on the TV or computer do two things from your to-do list.
  5. Buy birthday cards and gift-wrap when it’s on sale, if it gets low, add it to your fridge list.
  6. Schedule doctor’s appointments, car maintenance and other tasks once a month before they become a problem.
  7. Keep an umbrella, napkins, pen and paper, a spare cell phone charger, and $1.00 in change in your car at all times.
  8. When buying veggies for snacks, wash, cut and divide them into containers immediately after arriving home. You won’t end up with wilted or dried out, inedible food in the fridge.

Most of all do what works for you. Write down the items you often forget to buy, or run out of. Send a birthday email instead of a card, or make a phone call instead. Be open to changing and try out new techniques until you find one you can stick to.


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