
Posts Tagged ‘fun’

I love the Blues Brothers movie.  It’s a classic that I watch over and over again. The entire movie is so fun and makes you want to get up and dance.  One of my favorite scenes is when they go the music store to buy some instruments and gear.  Ray Charles starts playing the old beat-up piano to show them it still works.

It’s so fun to see all those people of different ages dancing in the street. I love all the cool dance moves like The Bird, The Fly, and The Monkey.  Plus the old standby The Twist.  I love how everyone is letting loose and having fun.  An old man in the back, some more energetic adults in the middle and little kids up front.  It really makes you want to get up and boogie!  I have a Blues Brothers music CD and whenever I hear that song I think of this scene.  It always makes me smile.

The best part is “shaking your tailfeather.”  If you want to have some real fun dancing, just wiggle your butt around like this move suggests, and you can’t help but laugh! If anyone out there knows where you can find an oldie site that shows you all those old dance moves like the Mashed Potato let me know.  I found one entry under Wikipedia for “Shake a Tailfeather,” but I’m sure video of the moves would be better.

If you get the chance you should go shake your tailfeather today.  I’m sure you’ll have fun if you do.

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by jane_sanders

Did you know that today is Caramel Popcorn Day, World Health Day and the much-loved No Housework Day? I am especially thrilled to celebrate the 3rd one, even though this year will be the first year I’ve officially celebrated.  I mean how much more enjoyable is skipping the housework when you are actually doing it on purpose?

And it must have taken a meeting of super-geniuses to put National Humor Month and Stress Awareness Month in the same month.  April also honors several other endeavors such as Poetry Month and Keep America Beautiful Month, plus the little known International Guitar Month.  Find even more bizarre and weird holidays online at Holiday Insights.com. Perhaps a game of guitar hero to celebrate Guitar Month would be in order?

I’ve always loved the idea of finding a reason to celebrate each day. Many people talk about creating your own holiday.  I absolutely love that idea, but sometimes we get so busy we can’t even think of our own name, much less a new idea to celebrate.  Those hectic times are when we need to celebrate the most, so looking at the online calendar or joining Hoops & Yoyo for Sarcastic Wednesday is easy and fun.

I discussed International Fun at Work Day last week, which I am happy to report did raise my enthusiasm at work for the day.  I practiced smiling more, told a few jokes, listened to music, walked during my break time, and made sure I took my breaks.  The entire day was lighter, happier and more fun than normal.

That experience increased my attraction to wacky celebrations.  Even if no one else joins you, it can be a lot of fun.  For instance, Sarcastic Wednesday can be lots of fun if the other person doesn’t know what day it is.  It brings to mind childhood fun like Opposite Day, or Pig Latin Day (okay that’s not an official day, but it’s certainly fun.)

Whatever festivities you choose to honor, you can definitely find a way to add more fun and laughter to your day. If you don’t agree, let me know on April 13th when I can blame someone else for the error.

P.S.  Could there be a cooler picture for this article than Penelope Pitstop’s Compact Pussycat?  It looks even cooler in real life than in the cartoons. Leave it to the UK to have such a super-cool car show.

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Happy Easter!

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by Greg Easton Photography

Today is International Fun at Work Day!!!  Take time to celebrate. Check out PlayFair’s great ideas to have fun at work.  If you missed out on the party today – just tell them tomorrow that it’s your make-up day.  There are some more great ideas here and here. There’s lots of ideas – wear a funny shirt, have a dance competition, brighten up your desk with a funny poster, figure out nicknames for your team, or bring your pet to work (in pictures if pets aren’t allowed in the building.)

Of course most of us already know that today is April Fools Day.  Today is also the start of National Humor month.  April 1st is a great day to spring back into humor. Revitalize your laugh box, warm up your humor muscles.

If you have a serious case of Adultitis, you might want to visit Kim and Jason’s Escape Adulthood. If you don’t know what Adultitis is, it’s possible the disease has progressed to terminal seriousness.  Be sure to check out the article “The Office Guide to Adultitis.” Visit your favorites like Michael, Dwight and Stanley to see how they rate on the Adultitis meter.

Many of us plod through our days, busily trying to complete ever-higher piles of paperwork while keeping on blinders on to the sunshine and laughter of the “outside world.”  The problem is that this behavior robs us of joy, fun and creativity during half of our life!  One can’t survive long in a no-fun zone. If the stress doesn’t kill you, you’ll could become a mindless zombie who is as good as dead anyway.

Instead try to incorporate some joy and entertainment in your day. Work hard AND play hard.  Make sure to take your break time.  Turn lunch time into recess.  Visit Recess at Work to find great ideas to celebrate Recess at Work Day on June 17th.  Try to do something fun everyday.  If you have benches outside near a tree, consider putting up a bird feeder.  Buy ice cream bars for a cool afternoon snack.  Bring in fresh flowers or simply dress in all orange for the day.  (Or you could dress in all blue so that whenever anyone asks how you are you can respond “I’m feeling a little blue today.”)

Check out this article to see How Zombies Can Learn to Have Fun. Look at funny pictures at Cute Overload and Awkward Family Photos.  Use today to help keep that unspoken New Year’s resolution to “have more fun this year.”  That’s one resolution that you’ll want to keep.

For a few more ideas try these spots:

Stress less at work.

Pranks for the workplace.

101 Ways to create humor at work.

Note:  So many people find work miserable and unpleasant.  If you can have fun there, you can have fun anywhere!  Good luck!

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Picture by Tracie Taylor Photography

I have a problem.  A serious problem.  I am too serious.  And I don’t like it!  I like to laugh, joke and smile through my day.  I enjoy debating the latest book I’m reading, a cool TV show or the newest movie.  I like to be full of energy, enthusiasm and feel ecstatic throughout my day.

I recently realized anew that I am full of childlike wonder and sense of fun.  I just had to dust myself off and look at my habits to find that humor again.  If you want to join me in giggling, wiggling, dancing and prancing through your day, then keep reading.

We all face difficulties and disturbances of all kinds in our day.  Sometimes these problems build up without our notice, leaving us suddenly fearful, angry or overwhelmed.  When your life conspires to suck all the fun out of your day, fight back!

Start by assessing what you enjoy.  Although the ideas I give here may not be your cup of tea, I hope they shake up your thinking and help you discover what brings you delight and joy.

I have many strategies for adding fun (and I’m always looking for more.)  Here are a few of things I do to bring a little laughter, foolishness and chuckles to my day:

  1. Party cups. These are the plastic cups they have for children’s parties at Wal-Mart, Toys R’ Us and other stores.  They are generally from the latest children’s movie or cartoon.  I buy them and keep them in my cabinet to add a smile when I get a drink.  Characters like Spiderman, Sponge Bob, Winnie the Pooh, Iron Man and Star Wars Clones.
  2. Humor folder. This is full of fun, creative things to do.  It could be silly signs for work, knock-knock jokes, brainstorming ideas, meaning of life quotes, lists of way to improve your mood, using humor at work, etc.  Obviously you can see that I need humor more often at work than at home.  But all the ideas in the folder can be used almost anywhere.
  3. Wallpapers. Not the kind that go on your wall, but the kind that goes on your computer, phone, or other electronic device. Put a picture of a dog in a wig, or a smiling cow on your phone where you’ll see it every time you text or call.  A kid covered in spaghetti sauce can make a great humorous computer background.  Even though these are small things, they can add a smile to your day.  Anytime you’re smiling is a good time.
  4. Talking toys. Recently I was in a thrift store that had a talking Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.  The sayings weren’t even that great, but when you’re bored and press the button the funny accent makes you laugh.  It was a great investment for a few dollars.  I’ve had talking Buzz Lightyear, a cool Terminator, and the hilarious Tuck and Roll interactive dolls from A Bug’s Life.  All were great conversation pieces, and even better, they made me laugh each time I touched them.  (Note – talking toys that laugh and vibrate at the same time will really get you laughing.  Check out this hilarious Laughing Dog Toy (love the name – Chuckle Buddies.  Note the chimp is on sale for 1/2 off!)
  5. Ipod videos. This can be a great source of entertainment.  Whether it’s a comedian routine like Eddie Murphy or some You Tube video of a kid dancing, these are great stress busters.  Take an hour or so once a week and load 2-3 on there.  When you’re stuck at the airport, in a traffic jam, or in a really long meeting, pull that sucker out and have a good laugh.  (Just be prepared for the funny looks from people who have no idea what’s so funny.)
  6. Music. Music is a great mood lifter.  It doesn’t matter what you like, it can break up tension.  Classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Country, Motown and more.  I use music to relax, to exercise, to clean and to stop boredom.  Try a variety for different moods.  Add a few music videos too.
  7. Funky clothes. Wear t-shirts with funny sayings, polka-dot socks, character ties or colorful underwear.  Wear all purple today, on put on a bright yellow shirt.  You can wear sparkles; add iron-on decals, pink shoelaces, a glow necklace or a smiley face pin.  Clothes can definitely change your mood, so a playful wardrobe can bring out a playful mood.
  8. Pens, post-its and paper. We use these things every day, so why not spice them up so you look forward to using them?  Try colored pens like purple, turquoise and jade.  Buy post-it notes with funny sayings or characters like Maxine from Hallmark.  Use colored copy paper whenever you have a chance, it will really add pizzazz to those memos.  If you insert a joke into your memo as well you’ll really find out who is reading them.
  9. Make scents. Use scents to liven up your environment.  Essential oils can be relaxing or invigorating.  At work try lemon, orange or eucalyptus.  To relax try rose, lavender, chamomile or some other light floral scent.  Experiment with lotions, pillow sprays, air fresheners and more.  Even changing up your laundry detergent can brighten your day.  Clothes smelling like a garden are infinitely more enjoyable than those smelling like bleach.
  10. Doodle. Try to revive the lost art of doodling. Letters, numbers, shapes, colored lines, whatever catches your fancy.  Doodling gives your hands something to do, and can actually spark creative ideas.

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Harry Potter
Originally uploaded by aquinas_college2

I haven’t been keeping up to date on my other blog, Fun Spirit.  But while looking it over I saw a few articles I really loved.  This one really made me laugh.  Hope you like it:

Yes, believe it or not HP Fans, there are actually people who do not adore our little black-haired, super-genius, evil-defeating hero known as Harry Potter. These foolish muggles overlook the greatness of The-Boy-Who-Lived, thinking him nothing more than a silly little child.

When you come upon such addle-brained and unenlightened people, simply try some of these well proven strategies to cope with their narrow little minds:

  1. Make sure they are healthy. Find out if they have had a recent check-up. A head injury could account for their confusion on the subject. Check their pulse and peer into their eyes to be sure they are breathing and not in a coma.
  2. Be friends. Assure them that you understand how much better the Jedi in Star Trek was. Always salute them with “Live Long in the Force.” This is sure to please.
  3. Squeal in horror as you recognize a Death Eater in disguise. Shout “Death to Voldemort,” and run away screaming.
  4. Express your sympathy about their being dyslexic. No wonder they haven’t read the books yet poor things!
  5. Gently pat their hand and assure them it’s alright to be afraid of the unknown. Offer to teach them the “Lumos” spell if they’re also afraid of the dark.
  6. Send them frequent HP updates, including new movies, the upcoming theme park, each character’s film career and whatever other interesting tidbits you can find. Tell them “you don’t know what you’re missing – let me show you.”
  7. Remark on how much they look like a Harry Potter character. Argue with yourself over which one they remind you of most. “Hagrid – no, Dumbledore – certainly not, ahh, I have it – Dobby!”
  8. Report them to the Ministry of Magic. These are obviously criminal masterminds whose resistance to the esteemed Mr. Potter is simply a reflex of their dislike for any “meddling goody-two-shoes.”
  9. Assume they are a pessimist who thinks everyone is terrible. Suggest you can teach them skills to become as optimist as you have been inspired by the heroics of Harry and his friends. Offer to give them numerous examples.
  10. Check them into the nearest psychiatric hospital for examination. Nothing but mental impairment sufficiently explains their lack of adoration for our favorite hero. :0)

Check out this fun video on You Tube.

For more ways to annoy Harry Potter Haters.

Be sure to check out my old blog Fun Spirit for more fun-filled articles.

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Picture by B℮n

Do you ever just have those inquisitive thoughts while watching TV, reading the paper or discussing the news?  Like did you know that Meglodon lived in Washington DC in prehistoric times?  The White House and the surrounding area was entirely underwater.  Meglodon ruled the water and was so big it could eat a whale!

Have you ever read historical alternative fiction?  This is when the author imagines historical events happening differently and what the possible outcome of the changes would have been.  It’s a captivating glimpse into what-if ?

One of my favorite authors, Roger von Oech, says we all need is “A Whack on the Side of the Head,” to help wake us up to creative thinking.  His insightful and fun-filled book will break you out of your everyday pattern of thinking and get you thinking upside-down, sideways, and every which way.

Having fun is a key component of creativity. Ever have an argument with your spouse about whether Hulk is stronger than Superman, or if Sauron is more evil than Voldemort?  Or try this one – watch a TV commercial with the sound off and see if you can figure out what they’re selling.

We all have occasional random thoughts of brilliance. We all have strengths, talents and abilities that stir our passion and capture our attention.  It doesn’t matter what it is – I know people who earn a living by selling hard-to-find candy.  If you can draw, you could be a comic book artist, a greeting card designer, a video game developer or several other great jobs.

I love to let my mind drift and float.  Often if you are relaxed enough to do this you can have some amazing creative ideas.  It’s fascinating how fast our minds can move.  Thoughts speed by at a record pace.  Harness a little of that brain power and anything is possible.

The funny thing about thoughts and creativity, is that in order to get best results we first need to slow down.  We need enough space to actually notice one thought at a time. Since we have so many thoughts come and go, one way to find the great ones is to use a notebook or voice recorder to note your best ideas.

Open yourself to spontenaity, random chance, and curiosity. See what types of activities or topics enchant you.  These are the things that stimulate enthusiasm and interest.  What do you enjoy learning about?  What subjects would do you talk about endlessly?  (If you don’t know just ask a family member or friend – they’d be glad to tell you.)

Take a little time and rediscover your joy. You’ll be glad you did.  Even if you can’t make a living doing what you love, you can sprinkle your days with bits of happiness.  Sharing the elation you get from gardening, music, books, or favorite childhood cartoons may find you a friend that enjoys the same thing.

That’s my ramble for today.  Hope you liked it.  🙂

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